Time Magazine
July 14, 2021: "How Climate Change Science Has Changed Due to COVID-19 Restrictions"
CBC News
June 16, 2021: "They lived in a remote Arctic cabin for 18 months to be ‘climate witnesses’"
March 12, 2021: "From the Arctic to Mars, These Women Made History During the Pandemic"
March 8, 2021: "Strong and successful without men: Why two women spent a year in the Arctic"
Wired Magazine
February 20, 2021: "At the end of the Earth"
Citizen Science
January 5, 2021: "Citizen Science in the High Arctic"
CNN Videos
December 9, 2020: Two women are enduring their second Arctic winter to highlight climate change.
December 8, 2020: These Women Are Living Off-Grid in the High Arctic for Citizen Science.
TELUS Talks" Podcast Episode
Title: "Two hearts in the ice with Hilde and Sunniva"Description: Sunniva and her expedition partner Hilde discuss their time in the Arctic and their mission to raise climate change awareness.
Canadian Geographic
November 12, 2020: Q&A: How isolation in the remote High Arctic can have valuable lessons for our changing world.
Scandinavian Vogue
Women changing the face of Arctic Exploration
Weather Network
Melting Point
NBC News
May 5, 2020: Arctic explorers stranded amid coronavirus lockdowns.
Canadian Geographic
January 10, 2020: Hearts in the Ice: Drone Technology.
Hyundai Norway
Collaborated with Hearts in the Ice to promote sustainability and climate awareness.