• Time Magazine

    July 14, 2021: "How Climate Change Science Has Changed Due to COVID-19 Restrictions"

  • CBC News

    June 16, 2021: "They lived in a remote Arctic cabin for 18 months to be ‘climate witnesses’"

  • Newsweek

    March 12, 2021: "From the Arctic to Mars, These Women Made History During the Pandemic"

  • Euronews

    March 8, 2021: "Strong and successful without men: Why two women spent a year in the Arctic"

  • Wired Magazine

    February 20, 2021: "At the end of the Earth"

  • Citizen Science

    January 5, 2021: "Citizen Science in the High Arctic"

  • CNN Videos

    December 9, 2020: Two women are enduring their second Arctic winter to highlight climate change.

  • Treehugger

    December 8, 2020: These Women Are Living Off-Grid in the High Arctic for Citizen Science.

  • TELUS Talks" Podcast Episode

    Title: "Two hearts in the ice with Hilde and Sunniva"Description: Sunniva and her expedition partner Hilde discuss their time in the Arctic and their mission to raise climate change awareness.

  • Canadian Geographic

    November 12, 2020: Q&A: How isolation in the remote High Arctic can have valuable lessons for our changing world.

  • Scandinavian Vogue

    Women changing the face of Arctic Exploration

  • Weather Network

    Melting Point

  • NBC News

    May 5, 2020: Arctic explorers stranded amid coronavirus lockdowns.

  • Canadian Geographic

    January 10, 2020: Hearts in the Ice: Drone Technology.

  • Hyundai Norway

    Collaborated with Hearts in the Ice to promote sustainability and climate awareness.