Become a Citizen Scientist

Hearts in the Ice, led by Sunniva Sorby and Hilde Fålun Strøm, exemplifies the impactful role of citizen science in climate research.

During their 19 month overwintering expedition in Svalbard, they collected critical data on weather patterns, sea ice, phytoplankton, and polar wildlife, significantly contributing to scientific understanding of Arctic climate change. Their efforts have been recognized by experts in the field. 

Børge Damsgård, Director of the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), stated: "Hearts In The Ice is more than just a project, more than just two brave women overwintering alone through a polar winter. It is a model for how scientists, industry partners, explorers, artists, and other stakeholders can come together to focus on climate change in the polar regions.”

Explore the expanded list of Citizen Science apps that allow you to contribute to scientific research while engaging with the natural world.

Citizen Science apps that allow you to contribute to scientific research while engaging with the natural world

  • Adventure Scientists

    Collect data in remote and challenging environments to support critical research projects on biodiversity, water quality, and climate change.

  • Aurorasaurus

    Report sightings of auroras (Northern and Southern Lights) to help scientists study and predict space weather.

  • Happy Whale

    Upload whale photos to contribute to global whale tracking and research projects.

  • Marine Debris Tracker

    Track and map plastic pollution and other debris to aid in marine conservation efforts.

  • NASA Globe Observer

    Record observations of clouds, land cover, and mosquito habitats to support NASA’s environmental research.

  • iNaturalist

    Identify and log plants, animals, and fungi in your area to help researchers monitor biodiversity.

  • eBird

    Report bird sightings and contribute to the world’s largest biodiversity-related citizen science project.

  • Project Squirrel

    Observe and report squirrel activity in your area to help scientists track urban wildlife populations.

  • Zooniverse

    Participate in a variety of online citizen science projects, from classifying galaxies to tracking animal migrations.

An epic Expedition. Hearts in the Ice co - Author Sunniva Sorby

An adventure-filled historic account of the first women to overwinter in Svalbard. Read about Hilde and Sunniva’s epic expedition to inspire and engage action around climate change.